Longing for freedom, the lowly bureaucrat of the Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith, summons up the courage to write down his unspoken desires in his little secret diary. Serving silently at the ...
It premiered in 1984 (40 years ago!) and made almost $100 million at the box office. People loved the film so much that it ..
The Karate Kid, a 1984 film, significantly influenced the careers ... for the dramedy series aptly titled Cobra Kai. With several cast members returning to wax on and wax off, here's what Macchio ...
There's more to work than life.
In 1984, after saving the world in Wonder Woman (2017), the immortal Amazon warrior, Princess Diana of Themyscira, finds herself trying to stay under the radar, working as an archaeologist at the ...
Gremlins is a 1984 American horror comedy film directed by Joe Dante, Steven Spielberg was the film's executive producer and the screenplay was written by Chris Columbus. The film is about a young ...