This approach allows three days off from work instead of the standard two-day weekend. Other organizations allow employees to decrease their required weekly work hours from 40 to 32. This option ...
Here’s how to work ... day weekend in Hoi An. With lavish hotels, aquatic adventures, and authentic Jordanian culture, Aqaba is one of the Middle East’s most exciting escapes. Here, a 4 ...
Why the 4-day week works As work seeps into our lives ... I was ticking tasks off of my to-do list quicker. The three-day weekend gave me the time to recover from work and run errands while ...
As reported by Nikkei xTECH (via SoraNews24), Microsoft Japan's 3-day weekend trial ... happier people work better. Employees took 25.4 percent less time off during the trial, and the benefits ...