“If I look in the dictionary, it says a war is two opposing forces using armed force ... and they know nothing about what happened at that stage in the African bush in our beloved Kruger.” Jooste was ...
U.S. President George W. Bush will be traveling to Africa from July 7-12, visiting Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Uganda, and Nigeria. This packet from Human Rights Watch includes material for ...
Key question for the Bush team: will they publicly condemn the role played by Uganda and Rwanda, two key U.S. allies in Africa, in the war in neighboring Congo? Despite three peace agreements ...
During the 19th century the British fought minor wars in Africa to secure British control of colonial territories. These included the: Ashanti Wars in West Africa. Matabele Wars in South Africa.
decolonisation throughout Africa, the Iranian Revolution, Perestroika, Tiananmen Square, two Gulf Wars and into the new Millennium. Now it's leaving Bush, to join the rest of BBC News in one ...