This led to the creation of retro boss monsters like Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician. As the game evolved, boss monsters needed to change with them, and these cards gained more powerful ...
Oh!’s most iconic character is undoubtedly Yugi’s rival, Seto Kaiba. Between his major plot relevance and incredible ego and ...
In all, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection features plenty of enjoyable titles alongside a few games that don’t quite hold up. With so many options to choose from, players get many hours of ...
Lucky gamers might have held onto their old Game Boy Advance, but for most, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection will be a convenient way to revisit the classics without shelling out for a retro ...
One of the most striking elements of Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection ... It certainly isn’t the best tactical game of all time, but it marks a worthwhile addition to the collection.