Astronomers have discovered the smallest dwarf galaxy ever seen. It is a mystery how the satellite galaxy of Andromeda survived the blistering conditions of the early universe.
Andromeda XXXV is only about 20,000 times more massive than our Sun—very small, even for a satellite galaxy. For comparison, ...
Am astrophotographer has now unveiled the most breathtaking photo of the Andromeda galaxy we've ever seen, and he took it ...
Astronomers at the University of Michigan have discovered a new satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), the Milky Way’s closest major galactic neighbor, and it has broken the record for the ...
"It was actually a total surprise to find the satellites in that configuration and we still don’t fully understand why they ...
An ambitious new survey by the Hubble Space Telescope offers the first bird's-eye view of all known dwarf galaxies orbiting the Andromeda galaxy. The data suggests Andromeda had a chaotic past unlike ...
Our closest major galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy. At 2.5 million light years away ... A rare 'Blood Moon' January's full 'Wolf Moon' and February's 'Snow Moon' both illuminated the night sky, but ...
One of the great places to look for dwarf galaxies is the halo of the Andromeda galaxy (also known as Messier 31, or M31 for short), due to its relative proximity. UNIONS is so far the deepest ...
The newfound galaxy, Andromeda XXXV, is seen within the white ellipse. | Credit: CFHT/MegaCam/PAndAS (Principal investigator: Alan McConnachie; Image processing: Marcos Arias) Astronomers have ...
The Andromeda galaxy, seen here by NASA’s Spitzer space ... spindle-shaped object that covers about the same amount of sky as the full moon. What isn't visible without powerful telescopes ...