As Pope Francis emphasizes liturgical formation in what may be his final message on the subject, the church faces a crisis in ...
He means churches that use the Anglican liturgy, but that aren’t in communion with Canterbury. He writes: In the American Episcopal Church evangelicals were saying right up the very end that the ...
The Anselmianum, also known as the the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant’Anselmo, held a five-day course in Rome from Feb. 24-28 for men and women responsible for episcopal liturgical celebrations.
Under royal decree, Charles' new Anglican Prayer book is ordered to be read out in Scotland. Widespread riots break out due to fears that the book is popish. Video: A history of Scotland ...
(JTA) — The Anglican Church of Canada has voted to remove from its prayer books a prayer calling for the conversion of the Jews. The decision, made Friday during a church convening in Calgary ...