Instead of her typical Aussie twang, she was speaking with what has been described as a northern English accent. “Some say I sound like I am from Yorkshire in England. I have never been to ...
Medical experts have been left baffled after an Aussie woman from rural NSW developed a Yorkshire sounding accent after surgery. It was a week after Kim Hall’s surgery when her sister first noticed ...
Adrian was also called out for needing subtitles during The MAFS Funny Podcast, when host Joshua Fox made a joke about his accent. He defended himself during the interview, replying: "I do mumble, 100 ...
Some women face a “double disadvantage” in their job search, according to a recent study by the Australian National ...
he asked. The superstar then adopted his best Australian accent as he continued to address the hopeful fan. 'He's got the sign, mate, saying, "Help us quit Maccas" mate,' he said in an Antipodean ...
New research suggests women with foreign accents are seen as less employable than men, and than non-foreign-accented speakers ...
The actress’s latest role in the Australian film ‘Hindi Vindi’ has the potential to bring her into the spotlight not only in Bangladesh but also in India and Australia ...
Instead of her typical Aussie twang, she was speaking with what has been described as a northern English accent. “Some say I sound like I am from Yorkshire in England. I have never been to ...