It might just mean you are bad at makeup. Natalie Hayes, a makeup artist who has worked on Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D), disagreed with the notion ...
To achieve “conservative girl makeup,” she made sure to ... Tiktok/@severn.g “Not as bad as the liberal makeup with the blue hair,” one person wrote. “We can always tell liberal women ...
Another added: 'Afia's make up was shocking the girls are [bad] for that.' Elsewhere a tweet read: 'Why did none of the girls help Afia blend her make-up or let her know it shows.' 'The girls ...
Some are bad at makeup, no matter what their politics are ... However, if there is a consistent “conservative girl” look on TV screens or in real life, it is not in the makeup application ...