Dragon Ball Super is closer to ending than beginning, and that means a problem for the franchise--one that can only be solved ...
While Episode 18 made it seem like Goku could only enter the form with help from Neva, Episode 19, "Betrayal," makes it clear that he can ... go all-out on Gomah. It's undeniably cool to see Super ...
The question now remains, if Goku could always go Super Saiyan 4 in ... thanks to connecting with his Saiyan lineage and receiving a boost from his granddaughter Pan, while Vegeta found a ...
Even as a quarter-Saiyan, she shows remarkable power from an incredibly young age. In Dragon Ball GT, Pan demonstrated impressive fighting ability despite never reaching Super Saiyan. In more ...
He sees a photo of his family on vacation, with Pan's pleas ... only appearance of Super Saiyan 4 Vegito in an anime adaptation and shows just how much power this form can wield.
It’s the same issue Goku had with the transformation. Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta has a lot of power, but it’s not a form that he can sustain for long as it drains more of his stamina than the other ...
Super Saiyan 3 has been used by Gotenks, but the form was unstable and short-lived. Neither Fusion Dance nor Potara Fusion can sustain Super Saiyan 3 for long due to the immense power output.