Ryan believes Chrono Odyssey could be potentially be the one of the genre's greats, or one of its biggest disappointments.
Chrono Odyssey will also be available on PC via the Epic Games Store, per a 4K gameplay reveal trailer that premiered during ...
Gran Saga, developed by Chrono Odyssey studio’s NPIXEL, gave players, known as Captains, some unfortunate news. The game, which had only been around for four months, will be shutting down soon.
Unlike most MMOs that are either Free-to-Play or require a subscription, Chrono Odyssey will opt to use a one-time purchase ...
InCore Calcite is a 32/64 Bit RISC-V in-order, single-issue 5-stage pipelined micro-processor. Built on Incore's proprietary deep-customization stack for microarchitectural exploration, Calcite ...