The Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies have many terrifying dinosaurs. But even still, nothing beats a raptor.
Recent research suggests that Velociraptor mongoliensis was a feathered dinosaur. A forelimb fossil discovered in Mongolia showed quill knobs like those found in many modern birds. These telltale ...
"The giant raptor tracks were found as part of a ... we've got this huge mud stone deposit that is littered with all kinds of different dinosaur footprints, including lots of big herbivorous ...
We know this because some fossils from creatures such as Archaeopteryx and Sinosauropteryx — both theropod dinosaurs — have preserved feather imprints. And some Velociraptor fossils have tiny ...
These “little skeletons of raptor dinosaurs, sheathed in feathers ... They looked at the presence or absence of different bones, differences in the number of bones, and hundreds of other ...
Giant 20-foot-long raptor dinosaurs once roamed Australia, according to a new study that could rewrite the evolutionary history and hierarchy of predators on the continent. The research ...