Eberron's dragonmarks help shape its society and culture, but the upcoming 2025 Eberron sourcebook will bring some changes to ...
Illustrations of the new Artificer subclasses in Forge of the Artificer RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons Revisits Eberron and the Artificer in New Book But that’s not all that’s new in this latest ...
Highlights of this playtest packet include a new subclass for the artificer, called the cartographer. The map-making class plays into the themes of the post-apocalyptic Eberron setting ...
Now, Dungeons and Dragons has put out a second playtest featuring even more updates to the Artificer. The class has received additional tweaks in response to player feedback, including a rework of ...
Artificer receives updates, including a new Cartographer subclass with movement and teleportation abilities. A new Dungeons & Dragons playtest document has been released, giving fans a chance to ...