The pastor shared footage of the alarming confrontation ordeal on his church’s Facebook page, titling it: “Transgender pulls gun on street preacher in San Francisco.” ...
The term has its roots in Genesis 1:27, wherein "God created man in his own image. . ." This scriptural passage does not mean that God is in human form, but rather, that humans are in the image of ...
A San Francisco street preacher was lauded for keeping his composure after a passerby threatened him with a gun. Kevin Kihara was live streaming his message near […] ...
For thousands of years, humans have bowed before divine figures—gods with names, faces, and commandments. But in an age of ...
Genesis chapter 2 describes how God made a man from the dust in the ground and a woman from man’s rib. Many Christians who do not believe this story to be literally true will still accept that ...
Christians believe he is above and beyond the universe and human understanding. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.