Discuss the consequences of their actions, offer support, and use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. 5. How ...
According to a report by Lancet physical punishment is viewed as a form of violence against children (Image: Shutterstock) Spare the rod and spoil the child is what the good book says. However ...
The child should be aware as to why they are ... Meagan Remaldora, 18, St Margaret’s Girl’s College, Hong Kong A good punishment would be a person to person talk. Talking them about the ...
134 A superintendent in a district that uses corporal punishment noted that the practice is particularly unpleasant if used for minor misbehavior: “I hate to think that a child gets three or ...
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - Dozens protested in Idaho Falls Friday against judges they believe have given light sentences for sexual misconduct with children ... and longer punishments for their ...