Despite inflationary concerns, Innova Market Insights tracking data show cereal and snack bar innovation grew in 2024 with ...
More than a year after the cookie war ended in Utah, a new culinary battle is brewing. But this time, it involves protein ...
Sometimes a protein or snack bar is the best option available. You can keep them in your desk, car, purse or backpack and grab them when real food isn’t an option or when you just need something ...
They also launched their first protein bar bringing the flavor inspiration of SKIPPY ® brand’s iconic peanut butter: the Genius Gourmet ® SKIPPY ® Inspired Protein Nut Roll with 0 grams of ...
Genius Gourmet is a family-owned company that started in 2019. The team set out to disrupt the protein bar and snack market. Over the last five years they’ve experienced extraordinary growth.
Genius Gourmet® Announces Partnership with the Makers of SKIPPY® Peanut Butter & Introduces SKIPPY® Inspired Protein Nut ...