For many people, giving thoughtful graduation gifts and greeting cards are great ways to acknowledge their achievement. Shopping for a present may be a challenge for some, while penning a graduation ...
Undergraduate and graduate level writing have a number of differences, but your undergraduate writing experience serves as a foundation for moving on to the graduate level. There are two main paths ...
Aleysha Ortiz is 19 years old and in her freshman year at the University of Connecticut. She graduated last year from a ...
Connecticut teen Aleysha Ortiz is suing her former school district, alleging that she graduated high school without being ...
The Graduate GWAR is a CSU wide requirement that should be completed by graduate students before advancing to candidacy.The purpose of the GWAR is for students to demonstrate their proficiency at ...
The Writing Center offers a suite of services for graduate students including standard 50-minute one-to-one sessions through our main appointment schedule, workshops, and extended writing support in ...
Applicants are required to submit for Department of English graduate committee approval: A creative writing sample of 30 pages in fiction or 10 pages in poetry, demonstrating the student's strongest ...
The GWCC is a free resource brought to you through a partnership between the A&S Graduate Center and the Writing and Communication Center. Located on the first floor of Swem Library, the GWCC welcomes ...
This focus on the profession of writing, along with the dedication of our faculty (who "stay with you" even after you graduate), has propelled our creative writing MA/MFA students to an exceptional ...