He later returned as a haunting spectre in Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 and reprised the Green Goblin role in Spider-Man: No Way Home, where Norman killed Aunt May and nearly pushed Peter Parker ...
The official poster was revealed Monday for Spider-Man: No Way Home, which features appearances from villains Doc Ock and Green Goblin ... from 2007's Spider-Man 3. Following the events of ...
After the huge sales success of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, all signs point to a third ... And it is that the expected debut of the Green Goblin, in the skin of one of the Osborn - Harry reveals ...
Simply by transplanting “Defying Gravity” into the scene’s soundtrack, the Spider-Man rooftop scene goes from a Faustian offer from Dafoe’s Green Goblin to a friendly proposal to Spidey ...
As Peter spends much of the movie trying to explain to Harry, Norman caused his own death in the final battle of 2002’s Spider-Man ... that Norman was the Green Goblin. In his dying words ...
It's been well over a year now since Marvel's Spider-Man 2 swung onto the PlayStation ... especially with the Green Goblin expected to make his dastardly debut, this is our first real ...