The very first sentence that Helen Keller ever spoke was “It is warm.” By the age of 14, Helen was attending the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf in New York City. There she worked to make ...
Sullivan Elementary remembers Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller’s teacher, and Aldo Leopold Community School is named after the so-named conservationist and University of Wisconsin professor.
Helen Keller is a worldwide phenomenon of a woman who left behind a legacy of perseverance and courage. If you remember learning about Keller in grade school, you may remember that she was both ...
The Aurora Players will soon present “The Miracle Worker,” about the life of Helen Keller and her teacher Annie Sullivan. In the production, Keller, played by Emerson Disch and Sullivan (Isa Wray ...
The Mission: The Helen Keller Art Show of Alabama value, honor, and celebrate students with visual impairments, blindness and or deaf blindness artistic abilities and creative works. The 2024 Helen ...