But when did this impact take place? Scientists believe the moon formed during a giant impact about 60-175 million years after the solar system was born. To arrive at this estimate, they can use rocks ...
These chimney-like vents form where seawater comes into contact with magma ... Gold also bonds more often with metal, so most of it ends up in the Earth’s core. So, how did the small amounts found at ...
So how did our planet end up with such a special moon? The answer is that, surprisingly enough, the moon is a piece of our ...
But how and why did this explosion of colour happen? Recent research is giving us clues into this part of Earth's narrative ... which combine to form a mosaic image. These eyes could detect ...
How did complex life emerge and evolve on the Earth and what does this mean for ... for developing technological civilizations) can be formed on planets with oceans, continents and plate tectonics.
The Earth was 4 billion years old then. Did the Earth have more oxygen in the past? 4 years after the Earth was formed. The atmosphere now contains almost no oxygen, as it did five billion years ago.