Smart Hulk serves a purpose in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but it's time to retire this version of the character and ...
Amadeus Cho is celebrating 20 years, and Marvel has teased his big return to the comics in a fourth, brand-new form. It's a ...
Brave New World gives lots of attention to the fiery effects of the Red Hulk transformation, but never properly explains it.
Hulk put him in a front chinlock, choked him unconscious, then dropped his limp body on the floor. Belzer sued him for $5 million, and they settled out of court. In 1998, Hulk shocked viewers by ...
Red Hulk’s intricately designed, visceral torso wasn’t the only overly textured body part in the movie. I could trace each wriggle of Samuel Sterns’ bulging, gamma-mutated externalized brain.