I’m thankful for my family, my home, and my work at the library, quite honestly. Work is work, but I’m grateful to have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives through the ...
Whether it's Thanksgiving or any other time of year, expressing your gratitude for friends, family and other blessings ... not be where I want to be but I’m thankful for not being where I ...
This Thanksgiving as I celebrate with my family – including a 16-month ... spot on the prairie that has always been “home.” I’m thankful for all my blessings, including that little niche ...
Local musician Bob Davis is thankful for his family and the music he gets to play. "I am grateful for my wife, Stacy, and my two boys, Jacob and Jackson,” Davis said. “I'm also grateful for ...
I can not wait until we meet up again! Every year I'm thankful for the same things, it never changes. I'm happy that my family and friends are healthy and that we have one another and hopeful that ...
As Thanksgiving is now upon us, it’s naturally a time to ponder the question, “What are you thankful for in your life?” The answers to that question can be as varied as life itself.