The sheer scale of China means that the BRIC economies combined are now larger than that ... and the IMF of course will be there to help them. JIM O’NEILL is chairman of Chatham House and former ...
Recently, we have seen a frenzy of conversations about BRICS, its expansion and what it means for new participating countries ...
We owe the concept of the BRICs to Jim O’Neill, who came up with it almost 15 years ago when he was head of economics at Goldman Sachs. China is performing roughly as expected, and by 2050 its ...
the feasibility of a BRICS currency, and whether internal rivalries could limit the alliance’s ambitions, Hindustan Times spoke with Lord Jim O’Neill—the British economist who coined the ...
The BRIC acronym was coined by economist Jim O'Neill in 2001 in a research paper. He used the term to describe Brazil, Russia, India, and China—four emerging market countries with the biggest ...
Is this finally changing? The story of the BRICS begins with a November 2001 paper by Jim O'Neill, then the head of global economic research at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, called “The World ...
Jim O'Neill - the economist who coined the term "BRICs" for the world's big emerging economies - told CNN that emerging market leaders need to stop "bitching and moaning" over tightening developed ...
Jim O'Neill asks if new challenges mean an end to ... Lord O'Neill was seen as one of the high priests of globalisation - coining the term BRICs to describe the economic rise of Brazil, Russia ...
The term “Brics” was first coined by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill in 2001 in a report titled “Building Better Global Economic BRICs.” Initially, BRIC stood for the countries of ...
The sheer scale of China means that the BRIC economies combined are now larger than that ... and the IMF of course will be there to help them. JIM O’NEILL is chairman of Chatham House and former ...