Sometimes when I read the Bible, I can see a parallel between ... After he came to, Jonah went to Nineveh, the capital city of the Assyrian empire, and preached to the people and their king.
Sign up for Forwarding the News, the Forward’s morning newsletter with all the news and analysis that matters to American Jews each day. The biblical story of Jonah ...
My wife and I are travelling to Korea during Spring Break, and I’ve been invited to speak at one of our partner churches in ...
The practice of donning ashes is one of them. In the Bible we are told that when the prophet Jonah pronounced God’s wrath on the city of Nineveh for its “wickedness,” likely because of the worship of ...
Jonah is told by God that he must go to Nineveh and tell the people living ... It's a famous story from the bible about saying sorry and asking for forgiveness. Perhaps you’ll have heard of ...
To begin, many have falsely claimed that the path of the solar eclipse passes through all seven U.S. cities named Nineveh ... Bible. One TikToker, known as BigNik, discussed the Book of Jonah ...