Is that make-up?" "Why is her face pale white," asked another, while a third wrote: "Unfortunately whoever did Kari Lake's ...
She's not governor, a senator or the head of Voice of America, at least yet. But she is on the federal payroll now.
Attorneys for Kari Lake and Mark Finchem are on the hook for $122,000 in legal fees for Maricopa County for filing what a ...
Kari Lake was sworn in Monday as special adviser for the U.S. Agency for Global Media after President Donald Trump originally chose her to a government entity that his senior adviser Elon Musk has ...
Kari Lake spoke at CPAC about combating misinformation with truth. Yet Lake repeated a debunked claim by Elon Musk that Social Security sends benefits to 150-year-olds. Lake also said she had ...
Kari Lake was sworn in Monday as special adviser for the U.S. Agency for Global Media after President Donald Trump originally chose her to a government entity that his senior adviser Elon Musk has ...