Shakespearean love poems? Something longer that you ... wrapped up in Frost’s metaphor of a fork in the road. This inspirational poem teaches about the importance of singularity and distinct ...
Open any poetry book for proof: You’ll find love poems for romantic moments ... But if you need a quick-acting dose of inspiration, the short poems in this collection have just what you ...
Her poem Variations on the Word Love discusses many forms of love, but ultimately, for me, it is a reminder of the awesome power of that emotion. She speaks of how the word "love" - only four ...
This poem is a love letter to the power of books and libraries ... Finish story here; 15 Essential Rita Dove Poems You Must ...
Many a couple has enjoyed a midnight kiss at New Year. That’s Liz Lochhead’s inspiration for View of Scotland/Love Poem. The poem combines Lochhead’s memories of Hogmanay in the 1950s and a ...
Take a look at our mix of modern wedding readings and literary love quotes for inspiration True love comes in many different guises, from the cynical to the intimate and the romantic to the ...
Image caption, We think this poem is just what the nation needs to help people stay positive. From the inspirational message, to the colourful design, we love it! Nice work Marcie. If you want to ...