A zoo in East Sussex is celebrating the birth of a critically endangered monkey. The Sulawesi crested macaque baby was born at Drusillas Park at Alfriston in January. A zoo spokesperson said they ...
Mother macaques bear one baby every 20 months or so and do most of the parenting. Wee ones nurse for less than a year but stick close for several more. Young males eventually leave to vie for ...
Baby Sulawesi macaque with its mother. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of ...
This affected me deeply.” Unlike most primates, Barbary macaque males often tote babies around, says Bonaventura Majolo, founder of the Barbary Macaque Project, an ongoing study of the species ...
A pregnant bonnet macaque in Thane was rescued and underwent emergency surgery after falling unconscious during labor. The RAWW team, in collaboration with the forest department, performed a c-section ...
The Takasakiyama Natural Zoological Garden in Oita welcomed a baby “Nihonzaru” (Japanese macaque) on April 21, the first to be born this year. The newborn male macaque was named “Dekopin ...