They proved the better maneuverers. Death of a Rival. Zhdanov’s own son, Yuri, was chief of the scientific propaganda section. Malenkov, with Stalin’s backing, forced Yuri to publish a ...
Malenkov considered top choice to succeed ... Cold war on Reds launched by U.S. to capitalize on Stalin death WASHINGTON, March 6, 1953 (UP) -- The Eisenhower Administration launched a top secret ...
It instantly killed the elder son of Joseph Stalin. The U.S. State Department last week released the captured Nazi archives that gave those long-hidden details of the death of Yakov Dzhugashvili ...
tireless machinations, and frail allegiances, absolutely no one is safe; not even the feared chief of the secret police, Lavrenti Beria. In the end, who will prevail after the death of Stalin?
When a dictator falls, chaos ensues. Uncover the satirical brilliance behind the power struggles and absurdities that follow in this British comedy gem.
The Death of Stalin trailer cued us up to expect a Monty Python-style farce (helped along by the presence of Michael Palin, who plays the old warhorse Molotov). That's only halfway true.
In 1953, Georgi Malenkov was named premier of the Soviet Union one day after the death of Joseph Stalin. In 1957, Ghana ...