The Whale’s Tooth parking lot, operated by the New Bedford Port Authority, will provide both MBTA and Seastreak parking. Here ...
South Coast Rail brings train travel back to areas of Southeastern Massachusetts for the first time in 65 years.
The MBTA's website includes a schedule for trains on the new South Coast Rail system. There are 14 outbound trains from New ...
She said the endeavor isn't only a milestone for herself but also for the MBTA and New Bedford itself. "Art in public spaces is not just advertising. It offers moments of personal growth." ...
With under a week to go, tickets for South Coast Rail rides go on sale this week. But Monday's start date has not yet been ...
For those hoping commuter rail brings jobs to the SouthCoast, that may come true sooner rather than later: The MTBA is hiring ...
On March 24 the South Coast Rail line will officially be open for service. “It’s a historical day realistically,” Executive ...
Passengers won’t have to wait much long to ride the commuter rail to and from Fall River or New Bedford, with the MBTA ...
New Bedford's MassHire office is holding an industry briefing and job fair regarding MBTA jobs for South Coast Rail this Friday.
New Bedford's MBTA station elevator is decorated with colorful glass tiles created by artist Tracy Silva Barbosa. She calls the art piece Equinox, with colors representing the four seasons.
Passengers won’t have to wait much long to ride the commuter rail to and from Fall River or New Bedford, with the MBTA announcing the train schedules for the two soon-to-be serviced cities.