Steps to configure IMAP for Office 365 using server addresses 1. Sign in to Outlook Web App (OWA) 2. Click on the Settings cog at the top right of the screen and then click Options. 3. Under the ...
This is the information required for configuring IT Services-supported email clients to access your QMUL Office 365 account using IMAP. You will need to know your ...
IMAP will allow the use of clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird to be used to send and receive email. The Outlook Web App or one of the above recommended clients will have to be used to access the ...
This is the information required for configuring IT Services-supported email clients to access your QMUL Office 365 account using IMAP. You will need to know your ...
Steps to configure IMAP for Office 365 using server addresses 1. Sign in to Outlook Web App (OWA) 2. Click on the Settings cog at the top right of the screen and then click Options. 3. Under the ...