To Kamenev, former comrade on the Politburo, Stalin had once said ... the power that ideas have over men’s minds. Since the death of Lenin he had repeated, to the point of nausea, the ...
Less than 24 hours after the announcing of Stalin’s death came word of Malenkov ... remained on the all-powerful Politburo, free to think and plan; the ministries were taken over by lesser ...
But after Lenin’s death, Stalin energized and exploited the ... formed itself within the Politburo. What made for the solidarity of the three men was their determination to prevent Trotsky ...
On June 23, 1942, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet—in reality, Stalin's Politburo—commuted Vavilov's death sentence to 20 years of imprisonment in labor camps. But no medical help was given ...
The Death of Stalin trailer cued us up to expect a Monty Python-style farce (helped along by the presence of Michael Palin, who plays the old warhorse Molotov). That's only halfway true.
Cold war on Reds launched by U.S. to capitalize on Stalin death WASHINGTON, March 6, 1953 (UP) -- The Eisenhower Administration launched a top secret psychological warfare offensive against ...
Iannucci satirized one of the most climactic moments of the Cold War in his darkly comedic satire The Death of Stalin, a star-studded film that features a standout performance by Jason Isaacs.