Was Seinfeld really a show about nothing? These dark fan theories will change the way everyone thinks about the classic TV ...
My vote has been and always will be "Seinfeld." It remains one of the best comedies of its time and possibly the most quotable. As a '90s kid, I remember my family looking forward to Thursday ...
Nothin' but a mistake, indeed. Watch Backstreet Boys misguidedly force Jerry Seinfeld to sing the final chorus of 'I Want It ...
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld dismissed a pro-Palestinian "ambush activist" who attempted to troll him over the weekend. Instagram user "Subway DJ" posted a video of himself on Sunday meeting Seinfeld ...
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld shot down an anti-Israel activist, quickly telling him he doesn’t “care about Palestine” when the online personality attempted to ambush him over the weekend ...