Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, can make it hard to get some shut-eye. Late-night screen time, jobs, and social events can ...
A study by the University of Surrey, published in PLOS ONE, reveals that night owls may have a higher risk of depression due ...
Discover why consistent sleep patterns matter more than total hours for better energy, mood, and overall health.
Discover how your sleep chronotypes affect your sleep schedule, peak performance times, and health, and learn how to optimize ...
Night owls showed more depressive symptoms, higher alcohol consumption, significantly poorer sleep quality and lower mindfulness practices.
Napping is a double-edged sword. Done right, it’s a powerful way to recharge the brain, improve concentration, and support ...
Knowing your chronotype does more than just ease your guilt; you can use it to your advantage. According to sleep researchers ...
Knowing and adapting to the ideal schedule for your sleep chronotype could improve your rest and help you accomplish daily tasks more efficiently, sleep experts say.
“Get more fiber from fruits and vegetables and eat prebiotic foods, like garlic, onions and asparagus to feed good gut ...
To specify the process responsible for sleep-related improvement, we compared the effects of 'early' and 'late' sleep, dominated respectively by slow-wave and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
A latest survey on India’s sleep pattern found that 59% of Indians get less than six hours of uninterrupted sleep, while only ...