Sohee Lee, CSCS, is a fitness coach and member of the WH advisory board. Body image terms are constantly evolving, and body neutrality isn’t necessarily a perfect concept. However, the approach ...
Sohee Lee, MS, CSCS, is a WH Advisory Board member, evidence-based fitness coach, certified sports nutritionist, and the author of Eat. Lift. Thrive. There are five basic rules of 75 Hard.
What does paper have to do with exercise, you ask? Well, in an Instagram reel, strength coach and fitness influencer Sohee Lee uses the rolls to prove the power of persistence. She holds two rolls ...
Fellow actors and artists, including Won Bin, Han So-hee, and AKMU’s Lee Chan-hyuk and Lee Su-hyun, visited the late actress’s funeral on Monday at Asan Medical Center in Songpa-gu ...
That’s the point behind the latest reel from nutrition and strength coach Sohee Lee. In it, she weighs the serving she pours for herself versus the one that’s recommended on the side of the ...