Your posture affects more than your back. It quietly compresses your organs, disrupts digestion, and strains your heart.
Skip the crunches! Try these 7 standing core exercises for a stronger, sculpted midsection—no floor work required.
From a sitting position, stagger your feet. Lean forward with your chest up. Push off with your back foot to a standing position using your thigh muscles and the muscles in your bottom. Take one step ...
Related: Are budget standing desks worth it? Beyond just encouraging better posture, it also got me moving. I dance around while working, I sway back and forth on a balance board, and I pace while ...
I think we would all agree that technology can be a wonderful thing. However, like all good things, it comes at a price.
Given how much time many of us spend hunched over a screen, poor posture has become somewhat of an epidemic, which is causing a host of chronic health concerns, says Dr. Kompal Parmar, a board ...
Posture correctors reposition us into sitting and standing the way Mother Nature ... a licensed physical therapist, ...
Bad posture from sitting or standing improperly can compress the spine, making you appear shorter. A simple one-minute Wall Stretch exercise can help correct posture, decompress the spine ...
standing ones are a lot more dynamic, working your muscles through a greater range of motion, which challenges your balance and stability, whilst improving posture. We always recommend wearing a ...