We present to you Henry Cavill's workout regime so you can at least look like him, if not save the world. Working out can be ...
Playing a superhero requires actual physical strength ... Civil War." Thanks to Kirk's workouts, Noah gained 35 pounds of muscle and could even flip a 210-pound tire. Dogpound: https ...
If there’s one thing guys skip in the gym more often than leg day, it’s their warm-up. Most people just start lifting weights as soon as they walk in. Fewer, smarter dudes begin by walking on ...
There's no singular Jason Momoa workout, but personal trainer Damian Viera shares the secret sauce for shaping a superhero. We recently visited Momoa’s interim Toronto residence to chat with ...
Take the challenge, feel like a superhero. This four-week fitness and ... heart-racing cardio workouts and tons of amazing health! Discover new workout ideas, healthy-eating recipes, makeup ...
Planet Fitness trainer Jeremy Smoot has a new intense workout that will make you feel like your favorite superhero. Let’s check out this Captain America inspired routine that’s just in time to watch ...