The following sample thank-you notes illustrate the kinds of things donors would love to hear about you and the impact their generosity has had on your life. When submitting a thank-you letter, please ...
The article about the loss of writing thank-you notes discusses another lost art. During COVID, I wrote letters to my ...
GENTLE READER: You do your late friend no honor by snubbing her children, at least one of whom she trusted enough to name as ...
I'm not keen to (thank her children) for a bequest that was A. not of their generosity, and B. handled entirely by lawyers.
In the beginning, I helped them, but they both still write thank-you notes in their late 20s. My youngest recently bought his first home, and he sent the realtor, who happens to be a dear friend ...
I recently received a small monetary bequest. My friend’s executor is the eldest of her three children. Should I write a thank-you note for this bequest, and if so, to whom should it be addressed?