Thor then returns to Earth just as Jane reappears. However, when some Policemen try to arrest her, an unknown energy repulses them. Thor then brings Jane to Asgard to find out what happened to her.
At the moment, Marvel hasn't announced when tickets will go on sale, but since Doctor Strange 2 tickets were released a month in advance, it's likely that the upcoming Thor movie will follow suit.
Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth) finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that puts him against The Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), his former ...
With over 30 films to digest, along with an expanding line-up of TV shows, there’s a whole lot of baggage to consider when catching up with Captain America, Thor or Doctor Strange. The ...
Secret Wars will introduce the Thor Corps to the MCU. Joe and Anthony Russo, also known as the Russo Brothers, are currently working on two brand-new Avengers movies for Marvel Studios ...