One key crossover fight that fans love to dream about is Superman vs. Thor. One new power from the God of Thunder settles the ...
Meanwhile, Upstairs-Boring pointed out: "Well, considering Thor 'beat' Thanos while he had ALL infinity stones, we can assume that Odin would at least pose a big enough threat for Thanos to want ...
Immortal Thor is hot right now, and the latest issue sees a very interesting facet of Thor’s psychology revealed. Immortal Thor #21, by writer Al Ewing and artist Jan Bazaluda, continues the story of ...
Beating Thanos isn’t possible without Iron Man, and that’s why Strange placed Tony in this time loop: This is why in the Endgame trailer we saw a calm and resigned Tony Stark leaving a ...
But Thanos may not be the film’s biggest villain, even if he’s the one to beat. A new theory says that the actual bad guy in Avengers 4 will ultimately end up helping the Avengers to defeat ...