but they have nothing on a tiger shark, which can consume more than that in a single bite. That didn't stop ultra-athlete ...
The footage of a shark eating an underwater ... After several bites, the tiger shark captured the diver’s camera in its mouth. The device kept recording as the fish attempted to swallow the ...
In the viral video, the diver could be seen throwing small fish into the hungry mouths of a pair of tiger sharks. However, one of the creatures appeared to get a bit greedy as it began snapping at ...
As one of the divers with Nascimento opened a crate of fish to toss to several tiger sharks, one of them snapped at the diver holding a camera. The shark kept biting and eventually partially ...
Almost immediately the water filled with Caribbean reef sharks—dozens of them, mostly five-to-seven-footers, swarming and fighting over the fish ... the tiger’s famously unselective eating ...
Sand tiger sharks, also known as gray nurse ... Their staple is small fish, but they will eat crustaceans and squid as well. They occasionally hunt in groups, and have even been known to attack ...
10-foot tiger ... Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is not investigating the death as an unusual mortality event. "It would be difficult for staff to confirm the reason for the shark ...