Learn about the time period that took place 251 to 199 million years ago. 3 min read The start of the Triassic period (and the Mesozoic era) was a desolate time in Earth's history. Something—a ...
In the latest days of the Triassic, early dinosaurs lived alongside giant amphibians, gharial-like phytosaurs and an array of crocodile relatives that took forms ranging from armadillo-like to ...
Earth’s continents are constantly shifting. About 252 to 199 million years ago, all the continents were actually one huge “supercontinent” surrounded by one enormous ocean. Slowly, this ...
Early dinosaurs such as the carnivorous dinosaur in background were small and rare, whereas other reptiles such as the long-snouted phytosaurs and armored aetosaurs were quite common. Disclaimer ...
The Triassic period stands out in Earth’s history as the time when dinosaurs first evolved. It was followed by the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods – at the end of the latter, the dinosaurs ...