The study revealed that the cornified claws of Xenopus frogs consist of special proteins (keratins) that are very similar to ...
British zoologist Lancelot Hogben was studying African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) when he noticed that their skin color ...
When Xenopus frog eggs are experimentally ruptured, their cytoplasm rearranges itself to form compartments similar to cells, according to a study published October 31 in Science. The researchers, led ...
The "Hogben test" got its start in 1930, when British biologist Lancelot Hogben began looking into what he called a godsend for hormone research: The African clawed frog, or Xenopus laevis.
A female African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was housed at the Biological Resources Facility of North Carolina State University in a tank with two other females. The frog was ∼1.5 years old and ...
Bansal, D.A. Melton, "Xenopus Mad Proteins Transduce Distinct Subsets of Signals ... University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas FROG FLIPSIDE: Jonathan M. Graff of the University of Texas ...
Our goal is to determine the role of the transcription factor SIX1 and SIX1-associated genes in de velopment of the cranial bones, jaws and ear using transgenic mice and Xenopus (frog). Our ...