The Board of Selectmen put off discussion Monday about what to do about the rundown White Sand Beach gazebo, saying it needs more time to decide after learning the cost to replace it have doubled.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio fiercely defended President Trump’s approach to negotiating a peace deal between Ukraine and ...
The Rangeley annual town meeting has been held by secret ballot format at the polls since 2017. The petition seeks to revert ...
Political or civic experience highlights: Two-term selectman in Hampton Falls; two-term NH state rep.; former board member ...
Somerset's Board of Selectmen sued Brayton Point LLC in June 2023. Brayton Point LLC refused to pay $3.5 million in fines for ordinance and zoning bylaw violations from 2020. The next pretrial ...
Chichester Town Administrator Jodi Pinard returned to the job she resigned 10 weeks ago, but her bump in salary caught the ...
Representatives of the Elm Grove Companies met with the Newport Board of Selectmen on Monday to hold a “Q&A” about 55 units ...
After approving the purchase of $20,000 in granite curbing for soon-to-come sidewalk “bumpouts” on Elm Street, officials this ...
The West Boylston Select Board is holding another executive session meeting this week, this time with the town administrator ...