Brookfield Asset Management Inc. is taking Peru to arbitration, alleging the nation has illegally expropriated a series of ...
Former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo has ended a four-day hunger strike that he began in protest of his ongoing rebellion ...
A lady’s touch for Lima: Susana Villarán or Lourdes Flores Regional and municipal elections in Peru this coming Sunday are expected to result in the first female mayor of Lima since the ...
Known as the birthplace of Lima, the Plaza de Armas (also known as Plaza Mayor) functioned as the heart ... Most reviewed company in Peru! (5095 reviews) Lima Full Day Tour: Paracas and Huacachina ...
Former Finance Minister and much respected banker Pedro Pablo Kuczynski had 14% support, compared with 9% a week ago, and former Lima Mayor Luis Castañeda fell 3 percentage points to 14%.
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. is taking Peru to arbitration, alleging Peru has illegally expropriated a series of toll ...