Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito, and felt nothing at the time? That experience has now been exploited to design a painless injection needle using the principle of biomimicry, which develops ...
Together with a consortium of energy concerns and wind turbine fitters, start-up Fistuca is to carry out a major offshore test with its water hammer. This test is designed to demonstrate that a ...
DAF Trucks and VDL have presented their first electric truck. With a range of 100 km, it was designed for the distribution of cargo in cities, where the need for quiet, emission-free vehicles is the ...
While an autonomous car uses more electricity due to all the electronic components, its economical driving style may still be more environmentally friendly. That is the conclusion of American research ...
In collaboration with NAM, the English company Storelectric is planning to build a plant to store renewable electricity by compressing air. Storelectric was the winner of the NAM70 Challenge that the ...
Petroteq, a Canadian company, is to open a plant capable of producing oil cleanly from oil sands, in the US state of Utah next month. Chunks of sand will be processed in a tank containing a solvent, ...
The Royal Netherlands Army can look forward to receiving nine multi-mission radar (MMR) systems from Thales developed entirely in the Netherlands, according to an announcement made on Monday by Thales ...
Companies such as Shell, Gasunie and NOGEPA regard themselves as springboards for the energy transition to sustainable alternatives, according to the KIVI conference titled Moving away from fossil ...
Dikes protected by vegetated foreshores require less raising and reinforcing than is often planned presently, according to civil engineer Vincent Vuik in his PhD thesis. He received his doctorate from ...
Wie geld heeft, kan technologie benutten om minder snel te verouderen. Dat toont de nieuwe Netflixdocumentaire Don’t die.
Na een verwoestende aardbeving is er grote behoefte aan noodonderkomens. Stichting ART, voortgekomen uit een studententeam ...
In het DREAM-project, dat zich richt op circulariteit via chemische procesontwikkeling, is dit nadrukkelijk een van de ...