with plans to expand to as many as twenty platforms in future. Developers have further claimed ‘the floating city will generate 100% of the required energy itself’, with each neighbourhood ...
By Derby Academy The entire sixth grade class at Derby Academy recently competed at the Future City Eastern Regional and New ...
Renderings of this futuristic Floating City (via Dezeen) could very easily pass for the storyboard of a Hollywood sci-fi flick set in the distant future. But this design for a floating city ...
Floating cities become the only option to expand onto the ocean sustainably.” This visionary group of “aquapreneurs” believes that humanity’s future isn’t found in recoiling from sea ...
Future City has become a launchpad for aspiring engineers, with over 70,000 students from more than 1,800 schools across 37 U ...
“The Floating Pavilion ... who believes that the future of technology isn’t about creating apps, but rather solving the world’s real problems. The city of Rotterdam is asking how it ...
A floating city project has earned some Austin Junior High School students a trip to Washington, D.C., in February. Their SeaSearch City project won first place this weekend at the statewide Alabama ...
Worldwide, rising sea levels and increasing urbanisation represent a formula for disaster, with more and more people seeking to live on land that will, at some point, be swallowed up by the sea.
Now in its 33rd year, this dynamic STEM program challenges students to imagine, design, and build cities of the future, with this year's theme, "Above the Current", focusing on floating cities ...