Earning Scout badges helped me me think outside myself and appreciate diversity, history and institutions — teachings not ...
Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout and these stars not only served up cookies in their day ... they were exploring the ...
From pre-World War II merit badges to rare 1920s campaign ... more if they’re still attached to their original uniforms). The official Boy Scout pocketknife, which was produced by acclaimed ...
Cameron Ragazzo, Joey Knapper and Blake Nettles of Troop 513 at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick completed their journey to the highest Boy Scout rank.
Girl Scout Cookie season is here and the Scouts, adorned in their iconic badge-laden uniforms, will soon be out in full force approaching neighbors, their parents’ coworkers and shoppers at ...
Scouts were given a choice of earning one or two of over 20 merit badges in just one day with the subject being taught by WVU staff.