Phyla, a new skincare brand backed by Ryan Reynolds and Shiseido, uses natural phage technology to clear up pimples.
The ones that offer the best results are hydrocolloid bandages. “Basically, what they’re doing is they’re kind of drawing out ...
Protein supplements have become a hype around the fitness world But did you know that it may be a leading cause of your acne ...
“I would often wake up in the middle of the night in agony,” she said. “I wouldn’t be able to sleep on my side, I would have ...
Dominika said her skin was at its worst during her final year of sixth form, when she was experiencing the added stress of ...
If you’ve ever seen a beauty influencer don one of those mildly creepy red light masks, you might have wondered if they ...
TikTok 's verdict? The skin doesn't lie: If you're in a bad or toxic relationship, your complexion is going to show it. And ...
A young woman who was cruelly dubbed "pizza face" and "spotty" by schoolmates due to her acne, has revealed how a social ...
Experts have found a virus that clears acne, by killing the bacteria that causes it - and what's more, it doesn’t make humans ...
Sadly, spots and acne aren't issues reserved solely for adolescent skin and can be something many people have to deal with at ...
There’s no feeling quite as vindicating as finding your “holy grail” beauty or skin care product. Finally, you can take the ...