It’s two beds when you need them, a comfy sitting area when you don’t – perfect for sleepover guests and slumber parties. Bed-Height Trundle: Hate sleeping just inches off the floor?
the researchers found that national hospital occupancy will reach 85% by 2032 for adult beds, and by 2035 for adult plus pediatric beds, should the trends remain unchanged. The threshold could ...
with a national occupancy of about 85 percent of available staffed adult beds. That would constitute a shortage, the researchers write, with the “dangerous threshold” arriving as soon as 2032.
More than 220,000 portable adult bed rails were recalled on Thursday after the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued an urgent warning after one death and serious injuries were reported.
What we love about this Whalefall bunk bed is that it wouldn’t look out of sorts in an adult bedroom. It's made of heavy-duty metal with guardrails and a sturdy ladder, giving it a modern ...
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), any child under the age of two should not sleep in an adult bed. The result could be deadly, says a study published by CPSC researchers ...
Bedwetting is a standard developmental stage for children, but can be a symptom of underlying illness or disease in adults. [Courtesy] You are likely to bed wet as an adult if your parents ...
State health regulators have given conditional approval for a slight expansion of adult-care beds for a planned long-term care facility in Kernersville. With the approval of an additional six beds ...