Legislation designed to increase protection of religious liberty in Kentucky, was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee ...
HB 235 bans children 16 and younger from owning a social media account. HB 276 would expand limitations and parental controls ...
The House County and Municipal Government Committee approved a bill on Wednesday requiring state, county, and municipal law ...
A breakdown of which bills stand to benefit Alabama, which could do harm, and which exist purely to appease the far-right ...
Alabama leaders, however, say they are doing what the voters want and are confident the laws will be upheld by the courts.
If the Alabama Legislature wants to mandate something, try requiring that they actually read the Constitution.
The move echoes a decades-old fight over religion in government, reigniting memories of Moore’s defiant stand in the early ...
Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Religious Freedom Nina Shea is a senior fellow and director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Hudson Institute.
"Alabama laws were implemented to protect children by requiring the use of car seats. Thanks to seat belt and car seat laws, a second generation of Alabama children is now protected while riding in ...
“Religious organizations ... law to regulate those decisions ‘would impermissibly inject … [the] government into [decisions on] religious doctrine and governance,’” the attorneys general wrote.
DuBose says it's important to clearly define "woman," "man," "female," and "male," so there's no confusion when it comes to Alabama laws. Rep. Anthony Daniels (D, Huntsville) minority leader in ...
That same law includes the following exception: "the provisions of this section shall not apply to any county having a metropolitan form of government and a population greater than one hundred ...