One of DARPA’s concerns is that Russia has allegedly developed a nuclear space-based, anti-satellite weapon that may be capable of blinding hundreds of satellites.
Space Force is looking to expand its offensive capabilities with directed-energy lasers, jamming systems and more traditional ...
Laser weaponry evokes a wide range of emotions, often bringing to mind science fiction films like "Star Wars" or "Star Trek." ...
The footage of the engagement comes amid a fresh round of US airstrikes against the Houthis as the Red Sea conflict continues ...
The Chinese military is exploring a potential laser weapon system to mount on various aircraft to give them an extra edge in a dogfight By Jared Keller Posted on Jan 9, 2020 The Chinese military ...
(Chris McGrath/Getty Images) THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Ukraine claims to be one of the first countries to have successfully developed a laser anti-aircraft weapon, according to a high-ranking ...
The laser weapons shoot down flying drones by burning down engines or other electric equipment in drones with beams of light for 10 to 20 seconds, a DAPA spokesperson explained at a briefing.